Julie Endo

a dancer, mover and creator: listening to her instincts

Julie Laiz Endo Cupini is a native of Japan however, she grew up and  started her dance training in Tupã, a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil.
Starting early with the most diverse dance styles such as ballet, tap, jazz, flamenco and others, she had the opportunity to freely and artistically express herself
throughout her growth. The passion for this freedom brought Julie Endo to the professional dance career, connecting her with artists not only in Brazil but around the world. 

She is graduated in both, classical ballet by Royal Academy of Dance and contemporary dance by Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil - 2014. After graduating, she joined the Bolshoi Youth Company in 2015. From 2016 to July 2018 she worked in the renowned Balé da Cidade de São Paulo under the direction of Iracity Cardoso and later Ismael Ivo. From the Season 2018/19 till 2020/21, Julie Endo worked in the dance company TANZLINZ, Landestheater Linz, Austria. From August 2021 she is a member of the Ballet Hagen in the Theater Hagen, Germany. 

Over those years, she has had the opportunity to perform a variety of different works of choreographers such as Itzik Galili, Cayetano Soto, Stefano Poda, Kim Jae Duk, Mauro Bigonzetti, Morena Nascimento, Alexander Ekman, Andonis Foniadakis, Vladimir Vasiliev, Johann Kresink, Ashley Lobo and Urs Dietriech.